High Holiday Services
Uplifting participatory services for those who desire an alternative High Holiday experience, led by Rabbi Mayshe Schwartz.
The services are interactive, full of commentary, humor, stories and contemporary messages blended with timeless melodies.
English/Hebrew books provided.
$136 | Seat
For Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Services
Please RSVP below to reserve your seat!
Nobody will be turned away due to a lack of funds.
Rosh Hashana Services
Sunday, September 25th
Services 7:00pm
Rosh Hashana YJP Dinner 7:45 pm
To join our YJP Rosh Hashana New Years Banquet, click here.
Monday, September 26th
Morning Services 10:00 am
Shofar Blowing 12:00 pm
Tashlich-Shofar in the Park 5:00 pm
Tuesday, September 27th
Morning Services 10:00 am
Yom Kippur Services
Tuesday, October 4th
Fasting begins 6:03 pm
Kol Nidrei 6:45 pm
Wednesday, October 5th
Morning Services 10:00am
Neilah "Closing of the gates" 6:00 pm
Fasting ends and Shofar Blowing 7:01 pm followed by break-fast
If you would like to provide sponsorship please feel free to contact the Rabbi directly.
Thank you for your YJP High Holiday RSVP and Sponsorship!
To RSVP click here